• Pine Rivers Park Riverbank Stabilisation

  • Works involved the stabilisation of roughly 350m of embankment along South Pine River in Pine Rivers Park, Strathpine through a combination of earthworks, geotextiles, gravel, rock, revegetation and piling.

    Works were in a sensitive environment and consisted of designated Waterway Barrier Works and included, but were not limited to:

    • Bank battering and revegetation
    • Obtain Propagation Permit for two species of Mangroves (River Mangroves & Grey Mangroves)
    • Timber piling and shot rock toe batter protection
    • Spoil of batter excavation to adjacent parkland and re-topsoiling and turfing
    • Insitu lime neutralisation of Acid Sulphate Soils (ASS) in the parkland, prior to reinstatement with tosoil and turf
    • Reinstatement of all disturbed areas and landscaping: over 23,000 plants (including 900qty Mangroves).

    Client: Moreton Bay Regional Council | Value: $1M